
Simon is a University lecturer and teacher, and works with a wide variety of groups small and large on a range of issues. Simon has worked with children, adults and young people, and spoken at festivals and conferences, as well as smaller gatherings.

He prefers an informal, discursive style and prefers to facilitate learning and developing discussion. At various times he offers workshops and retreats, some which are open to the public, others are for self contained groups.

(c) Greenbelt festival, Creative commons.

          “Simon is able to engage any type of learner with a series of self-help tools, presenting theoretical, theological and philosophical pedagogy in a simplified and easy to comprehend way, that an individual is able to apply, and enhance one’s life.” (Workshop participant)

         “Simon’s approach to self awareness is insightful and very helpful in understanding how Emotional Intelligence impacts us and our leadership. His style is gentle and affirming but also reveals some significant thinking that I know will make a huge difference in my leadership going forward.” (Dr Alastair Jones, Cadence Leadership)

        “Somehow you combine brilliant insight with a great sense of humour, I went away feeling like I’d been in a BBC2 panel show all day.”

Get in touch if you’re looking for a speaker, retreat leader, or workshop facilitator.